LemonadeLXP Wins Best of Show at Finovate Fall

Ottawa, On - Sep 18, 2022 - LemonadeLXP, the digital growth platform for financial institutions and fintechs has won Best of Show at Finovate Fall in New York City. 

Finovate conferences showcase cutting-edge banking and financial technology to senior financial and banking executives, fintech leaders and investors, through a unique blend of short-form demos and key insights from thought-leaders.

“First of all, a huge thanks to everyone who voted for LemonadeLXP. We really appreciate it,” said CEO John Findlay. “This award epitomizes one of our core operating principles, ‘pitch in’. Our development team built the most amazing platform, our Sales team has brought us incredible clients, and our Customer Success team has helped those clients succeed with LemonadeLXP. It’s amazing to see what they’ve built.”

About LemonadeLXP

LemonadeLXP is a digital growth platform that helps FIs and fintechs quickly create effective training and support tools to grow their digital banking business and maximize the ROI on their technology investments.


For more information, please contact:

John Findlay



C:  613-850-8460



About LemonadeLXP

LemonadeLXP is a digital growth platform that helps FIs and fintechs quickly create effective training and support tools to grow their digital banking business and maximize the ROI on their technology investments.

For more information, contact hello@lemonadelxp.com.

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